
Joined SIF since Score Match 2, Kotori Event EN

Main goal:

Idolize UR #59o Cyber Nico OK (02/10/16)

Get UR #909 Devil Nico OK (05/09/2017)

Tricolor UR Nico OK (05/09/2017)

Two accounts with SSR Halloween Ruby OK (22/12/15)

Complete cyber set

Get Rank 300 in EN/WW account OK (26/01/17)

Get Rank 400 in EN/WW account OK (08/03/18)

Get Rank 500 in EN/WW account

Get Rank 300 in JP account OK (05/07/17)

Get Rank 400 in JP account OK

Sub goals:

increase Nico's bond, geting more Nico & Maki SR, idolize some UR, get full combo in expert songs and increase my max LP faster.

Favorite characters:

Nico, Maki & Hanayo

Yohane, Dia & Ruby

Someting else?:

Just enjoy the game and do not stress about things that you haven't achieved, because this game is only made to give fun to all fans of Love Live

RIP F2P status 03/11/14~04/02/17

RIP my 23 SR used to idolize an UR You for event 04/02/18

Last full update 10/02/18


2 accounts: