
Nice to meet ya fellas! :)
I've been playing for 1 year and finally get my fav nyas #408 (^0^)/

I also love Umichang Onegai. My dream UR of her is #415 (the one who speak "RabuAro Siuto") and #73

N cards? Almost get all of 'em, but only showing best of the best in my profile ^-^ Especially Tsurugi! She deserve moar card beside the initial tricolor!

- Get my fav nyas #464
- Get umis #415 (the one who speak "RabuAro Siuto") and #73
- Collecting all nyas! Gotta nyatch 'em all!

* T1 in EN Rin event I Want To See You Everyday
* T1 in JP Rin Challenge Festival Round 2 event Sakura Viewing
* Nearly reach T2 in EN Umi Score Match event Sakura Viewing. Failed because of overslept :'(

If you want to add me in game, make sure you are active and change center to UR on token event. Other than that, make sure at least you use nyas :)

I have a Youtube channel about game. Kindly check it out if you like :)


2 accounts: