Onitsuka Natsumi

Idol Onitsuka Natsumi
鬼塚 夏美
School Yuigaoka Girls' High School
Attribute Smile
Birthday Aug 13
Main Unit
Astrological Sign
Blood Type AB
Height 152
Favorite Food Natto
Year First
CV Emori Aya (None)
Summary Oninattsu! Daily happenings, etcetera. An oni-supplement to your heart, it's Oninatsu, Onitsuka Natsumi! I've been a famous L-tuber for a while, but now, I decided to debut as a school idol. It's like a dream collab. With this, my followers will instantly double. I can smell it, that's right, the smell of money. My favorite food, which I have never missed a day of, is my original smoothie! I drink it everyday while thinking secret plans to make Liella! more exciting in all kinds of ways. If Natsumi caught your interest, please subscribe to my channel and hit the like button.
Sources Wiki