
♡ about:

izabella ☆ 18 ☆ usa

♡ best girls:

dia and mari absolute best and i don't know anything else at this point

♡ goals:

➳ get first scouting ur ✔ (achived 6/18/17 with job dia!!!!!)

➳ get a ur for dia / mari / ruby ✔ (achived dia 6/18/17)

➳ get tricolor urs (smile 6/18/17, cool 12/24/17, pure 5/11/2018) ✔

➳ get mari ur ✔ (achieved 6/10/2018 with angel mari)

➳ get full dia team ✔

➳ get full mari team

➳ die

♡ scouting: (i mostly scout aqours)

saving up for dia's birthday!

most wanted past cards are valentines dia ur (dream ur), halloween dia ur (dream ur 2), yukata mari ur, valentines mari ur, haregi dia ur, autumn dia ur, halloween yoshiko ur, valentine's yoshiko ur, autumn mari ur, animal yoshiko ur, halloween mari and yoshiko ssr, swimsuit yoshiko ssr, job ruby ssr, yukata dia ssr, and cheerleader dia sr

♡ disqus: kokorokurosawa / d(ia)ying


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