Nakasu Kasumi
Idol | Nakasu Kasumi
中須 かすみ |
School | Nijigasaki High School |
Attribute | Pure ピュア |
Age | 15 |
Birthday | Jan 23 |
Main Unit |
Sub Unit |
Astrological Sign |
Blood Type | B |
Height | 155 |
Measurements | B76 / W55 / H79 |
Year | First |
CV |
Sagara Mayu (Mayuchi) Profile @MayuSgr |
Summary | From All Stars: A first-year at Nijigasaki High School. She loves cute things and admires school idols far more than the average person. She hates losing, and gets angry when people call her by her nickname, Kasukasu. She'll do all sorts of mischief to overcome her rivals, but often ends up doing what everyone else does. |
Sources | Wiki |