Dec. 3, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

How to Handle a Nico: How to Remember a Nico

Author’s Note: I originally wrote Nico misunderstanding a word Maki uses by assuming it to have been a similar sounding word in English, but then I remembered that they would be speaking in Japanese, not English. I thus consulted the not-so-all-knowing Google Translate for something kind of similar. Honestly, if someone knows a better fit, please let me know.

I also used a style I have been using for ages in my D&D story to depict words being spoken in a language other than the default for the scene. In this case, obviously, the default is Japanese, so anything in English will be enclosed in less-than/greater-than brackets. Romaji is used to depict some names, because reasons. And for lack of a better method, I slapped the romaji for the misunderstood words in parentheses the first time it comes up. I may come back and edit things later, if a better way of conveying the idea comes to me.

As always, scene is in the comments and links to the other scenes can be found on my profile.
