Dec. 3, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

The NEET/Ryqo SIFmemewar Accords

version 1.01

These Accords are intended to be a set of rules for the self-moderation of future meme production. They have been presented to the community and voted upon. I have no power to enforce them but ask that they be followed so those who do have the power to enforce them do not have to create or enforce stricter regulations.

Article 1
1. Memes may be posted on the main feed, but may only remain for a duration of 5 days.
2. As the original creation date is too easily manipulated, use a comment in Disqus, i.e. “Timestamp,” to mark the creation date.
3. Upon reaching the designated number of days on the main feed, memes must be removed in one of the following methods:
* Deletion
* A modification that removes the image and larger text from the original post. The image may be reposted in the comments and/or in the MEME and comedy thread. A link to the MEME and comedy thread is not necessary, but certainly encouraged. If the meme is of the Squad Pic genre, its creator may choose instead to move it to the Squad Pic discussion thread.

Article 2
1. Upon the implementation of the Archive function proposed by db0, memes previously deleted may be reposted and those modified may be returned to their original state.
2. Reposted memes should receive a timestamp while modified memes should be immediately Archived.
3. For those individuals with numerous deleted or modified memes, please only repost or restore a few at a time so as to avoid congestion of the main feed.

Article 3
1. Upon the discovery of a meme that is in violation of the Accords, one of several actions should be taken.
* If the meme is not in Archive mode and lacks a timestamp comment, please provide one.
* If the meme has been on the main feed in excess of 5 days, as marked by the oldest comment, please post a link to the Accords in the comments as a friendly request that the creator of the meme abide by the agreement.
* If a link to the Accords is in place and the meme has not been modified or placed in Archive mode within 24 hours, a Report may be made to the moderators. This report should also provide a link to the Accords as well as a cordial request that the will of the community be enforced.
2. At this point, the denizens of School Idol Tomodachi have done all that is within our power to self-moderate the memes. Please refrain from further commentary on or upvoting of memes found to be in violation of the Accords.

Please be advised the Accords may need to be expanded to include other types of posts at some time in the future. Also, bear in mind that posts with multiple and/or large images can and have been bumped with the memes. That said, if your large post keeps rising with the tide of memes, please consider modifying or deleting it as though it were a meme as well.

If you agree with and/or accept these Accords, please sign your screen name in the comments. The more signatures we can collect, the easier it will be to show this to be the will of the community. That said, please refrain from discussion of the topic in this thread. If discussion is desired, please use this thread instead. Thank you for your support, and keep making and enjoying Love Live memes!