March 2, 2019, 11:20 p.m.


Items that might be of interest that we encounter while looking for things to tweet for Sukutomo.

Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Sky-High! 5-Star Uncap Added to GBF

Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Sky-High! 5-Star Uncap Added to GBF

During the Aqours Sky-High! event in Granblue Fantasy, the fans voted on which year grouping would receive a 5-Star Uncap. The second years won, and that uncap was finally added to the game on 2019-02-27.

details on the wiki

Here's some additional images from Sukutomo staff.

Aqours Sky-High!

Aqours Sky-High!

February Birthdays

  • Emma Verde- February 5th
  • Kanan Matsuura- February 10th

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