


I started playing LLSIF (EN+JP) summer 2014 because I like rhythm games and anime idols, but I started watching the anime after playing the game. As a result, I changed my favorite character from Eli (because she's blonde) to Hanayo (because she loves food). I'm a relatively casual gamer, since I never spent money on the game (probably because I'm broke). My favorite from Aqours is Hanamaru, also because she loves food, but for a lot of other reasons that make me relate to her.

School Idol Tomodachi

I like keeping track of the things I do and the things I own, so after playing this game for a while, I created this website School Idol Tomodachi with @lamagicien that lets you keep an eye on the cards you own/idolized/max leveled/max bonded. It got a bit of attraction and people started using it just to show their cards to others, so we keep updating it. We're very happy to see that it's useful!

  • Chat with the staff on Twitter @schoolidolu
  • Use this site to give us suggestions or report bugs

  • The URL Schoolidolu mimics the way they pronounce "School Idol" in Japanese (スクールアイドル = sukulaidolu)

  • The abbreviation for School Idol Tomodachi is スク友 (sukutomo)

In real life

I live in San Francisco where I founded my own startup. It didn't work in the end, so I'm currently working full time on my personal projects, School Idol Tomodachi included but not only.

About animes and stuff

I founded a fansub group about 8 years ago and it's still running today but I don't manage it anymore. I also used to do cosplay but I stopped since my travelling habits don't allow me to do that anymore.

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