
If we see each other's faces, we always fight. That's a good memory too.

You taught me that; I'm not afraid anymore. No matter what kind of impairment I may have, I can grasp happiness. That's why...

Even if I'm alone, I'll go, even if it's difficult. I'll definitely bring the dream I had with you. I'm glad it was with you, and nobody else. But when I woke up in the morning, you weren't there.

I was always playing; that's the feeling I got. That was just a feeling I got, that was it, I know. I don't regret that I was born anymore. Like the end of a festival, it's lonely, but we've got to go pretty soon.

I'll go anywhere with the things I learned here. I'll show you that I can make the dream called happiness come true. Even if I'm separated from you, no matter how far away we go. I'm going to live in a new morning.

Even if I'm alone, I'll go, even if I want to die. I can hear your voice, saying I shouldn't die. Even if it's difficult, even if I cry from loneliness I can feel warmth from deep inside my heart.

Going round-and-round and flowing, time is ever-changing. I can't remember what happened anymore, but If I try and close my eyes, I can hear someone's laughing voice For some reason, now, that is My Most Precious Treasure.


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